Monday, September 15, 2008

Make Gold While You Can

The Expansion date has just been officially announced and now it's time to prepare for it. I had a feeling Wrath was going to be announced for November, so I've already gone ahead and started dumping items I won't need.

It's doubtful Badges of Justice will be useful as you level to 70, and they're talking about implementing new types of badges for the new dungeons. If you've been saving up for a new piece of gear, you probably want to invest your badges into Epic Gems or Vortexes instead. That new purple might be nice now, but it's going to be obsolete two months from now, the gold, however, will be useful. On my server, Vortexes are going for around 200g now, but cut epic gems are going for 250+.

One complaint I heard quite frequently from my Guild Leader was about his 50 or so worthless Nexus Crystals. Don't be him! If you have excess mats, you'll want to keep on hand what you'll need to get your first few points in your profession and sell the rest off before they drop in price. This can be a little tricky, though, because at the start of the expansion many gathering mats will go up as everyone levels, then drop off as they become useless to high level characters. The new profession Inscription uses herbs, it may be a good idea to start stocking up on them to meet the demand they'll have.

If you run a Guild Bank, I highly recommend selling off all those Vortexes, Hearts of Darkness, Patterns, Sunmotes, and Epic Gems now, before they start flooding the market because no one needs them.

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